AI in Education
Our AI solutions support teachers to raise achievement and improve the learner experience. They work in harmony with teachers and don’t seek to replace them. Our offer includes:
- AI MarkIT uses AI to mark short-answer questions and provide rich formative feedback. The feedback can be delivered directly to the learner, or sent via the teacher for confirmation. Our solution, that we customised for BCS, won the Best Formative Assessment project at the e-Assessment awards in 2024.
- Latest news. AI MarkIT now comes with Cohort Analysis, allowing a teacher to analyse the feedback given to groups of learners and identify common themes and misunderstandings. This is a powerful tool for improving teaching quality.
- AI First Draft uses AI to generate the first iteration of an answer to a question. Learners amend and refine the answer, with all the changes being tracked, before submitting it to the teacher for marking. Click here to view a video
- AI Detect assesses the likelihood that a piece of written work has been generated by AI and presents that information to the teacher.
- Coming soon: AI Module builder, using AI to support the creation of online learning modules.
- AI Console sits between the AI model of your choice and the AI resource deployed on your system. Traffic flows through the console allowing us to:
- conveniently and rapidly switch to new AI models, ensuring your system is kept up to date
- route your traffic to the AI model of your preference whether that be the latest, the lowest cost one or the greenest one.
- set a spending limit so you can budget effectively
- create detailed reports so you know exactly how the AI tools are being used.
- Learning modules for learners to help them understand AI and how to use it responsibly and effectively.
- Learning modules for teachers to make them aware of the future employment landscape that their learners will graduate into.
e-Assessment award winners
BCS (British Computer Society) recently won the 2024 e-Assessment award for “Best Formative Assessment Project”. A key element of the project was the AI assessment marking tool (based on AI MarkIT) which Tintisha Technologies worked alongside BCS to produce. It has the potential to revolutionise how vocational learners are supported on functional skills as well as transforming programmes for professionals.
How can we help you
Why not contact us to discuss how we can help your learners and staff engage with AI as part of their learning experience.